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Up to 20 teams will be accepted for this one-day, in person Incentives Camp. This training is designed to help each member of the treatment court team:

  • Learn the essential principles of behavior modification and contingency management
    with HR/HN participants, including the supporting research, the impact of adolescent
    brain development, and participants’ barriers to learning.
  • Develop a team dynamic that emphasis detecting, praising, and appropriately
    rewarding progress and positive behaviors.
  • Develop a range of evidence-based, rapidly produced, low-cost, but highly impactful
  • Learn how to deliver behavioral responses that create learning, build participants’ skills,
    and instill hope by employing the “Sandwich Technique”.
  • Practice delivery of behavioral responses to participants for every member of the team
    in multiple settings (office visits, home visits, and court).
  • Learn how to “flip the script”, building alliance, trust, and positive engagement so
    participants look forward to court status hearings.

When folks leave the camp, they will be ready to immediately make changes to their behavioral
responses and to use science-based approaches. It fosters a unified team vision and breaks
down old, outmoded habits from each profession. Over time, as teams turn over, it’s common
to experience drift from best practices.  This training re-builds and refreshes teams and
improves judicial leadership and efficacy. Each team receives customized handouts and tools to
keep the team on track and focused on progress, not perfection.
Incentives Camp is fun, eye-opening, and results in rapid change for better outcomes.
The Incentive Camp has six hours of instruction. The ideal format is an 8-hour day with breaks,
an onsite lunch, plenty of time for sharing ideas, troubleshooting, and addressing questions.
When the training ends, teams will have a complete toolkit of fun, effective incentives ready to

Registration closes April 30th, and teams will be notified by May 3, 2024.

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