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All drug court team members need to understand client case management. Through client case management the team can understand the client’s needs. Case management is an opportunity to assist our client’s recovery efforts and build a successful foundation for long term recovery. It is important to provide the wrap around services to the client to meet their needs. Effective case management is early identification of needs and provide tools and services to assist the client to change. This also includes identifying any gaps in the program to where the client’s needs are not being met. This session will help teams develop a framework for case management and provide information on evaluating a programs effort to meet the clients where there are Learning Objectives: After this session, participants will be able to:
• Understand how case management builds a foundation for participant success and longterm recovery
• Identify service gaps and their impact on participant recovery
• Examine current processes which create gaps in service and how to strengthen case management to reduce service gaps.

Speaker: Shannon Carey


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