2nd annual Wisconsin Opioid and Meth Summit

Lake Geneva Resort and Spa 7036 Grand Geneva Way, Lake Geneva, WI

The summit will feature trends in drug trafficking, interdiction and treatment along with model law enforcement, recovery, prevention and harm reduction partnerships that reduce addiction and enhance recovery.  Please see attachments for further information or to register at  NorthcentralHIDTA.org


2020 Judicial Treatment Court Seminar

The Wisconsin Office Of Judicial Education invites judges to this 1 1/2 day Seminar focusing on Treatment Courts. The bulk

(Webinar) Alcohol Monitoring Tools: Choose Your Technology Wisely

Not all alcohol monitoring tools are created equal. EtG, transdermal, and breath detection tools have different capabilities. If you are only using one type of alcohol detection tool for all stages of your program, you might be missing more drinking events than you are catching. Attend this session to learn what their strengths and weaknesses are and the best way to use each.


(Webinar) Integrated Case Management

All drug court team members need to understand client case management. Through client case management the team can understand the