In a July 1st email from TAD Program Improvement Specialist, Mike Derr, the Wisconsin DOJ announced a pre-application process for 2023’s available TAD funds, with a deadline of August 19th.
“We are kicking off our process for interested agencies to begin seeking and applying for TAD (Treatment Alternatives and Diversion) grant funds for calendar year 2023. This year’s process includes a new pre-application stage, where county and tribal agencies must complete and submit the TAD Pre Application Form by no later than August 19th in order to submit final application materials later this fall and be eligible to receive 2023 TAD grant awards.
“Attached for your information and review please find the TAD Pre Application Form and TAD Pre-Application Memo, which contains guidelines for completing the Form and further information regarding the overall application process. Also attached is a table listing the counties and tribes that received 2022 TAD grant awards, the amount of those awards, and what programs are funded under those awards. Please share this information and attachments with your networks and partners who may be interested in applying for TAD grant funds. As you read and review the attached form and guidelines, feel free to reach out to either TAD program specialist, Marsha Schiszik at [email protected] or myself at [email protected], with questions and requests for clarification.
“Please note that we are conducting a virtual webinar on July 19th at 1 pm to highlight and discuss the Pre-Application Form and process in more detail. Register for the webinar here.
TAD Pre_Application Form_FINAL