The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) is seeking applications for funding under the fiscal year (FY) 2020 Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program. For FY20, applications proposing activities in the following areas will be given priority consideration:
- Address specific challenges rural and underserved communities face, with limited opportunity to access juvenile drug treatment courts
- Encourage program investments in economically distressed communities (“Qualified Opportunity Zones”)
- States and localities that have high concentrations of opioid-related cases
Grants are available in two categories:
- Category 1: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Planning and Implementation
- Category 2: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Enhancement
Category 1 grants are available to jurisdictions that want to establish a juvenile drug treatment court. These grants are for jurisdictions where no juvenile drug treatment court currently exists or such a program has been operational for less than one year. Under Category 1, OJJDP expects to make up to five (5) awards of $500,000 each for a performance period of 48 months.
Category 2 grants are available to jurisdictions with a fully operational juvenile drug treatment court to enhance the operation of the court. Jurisdictions applying for funding under this category must have a juvenile drug treatment court that has been fully operational for at least one year. Under Category 2, OJJDP expects to make up to eight (8) awards of $600,000 each for a performance period of 48 months.
Grant applications are due Monday, March 30, 2020.